Important Dates


Short Courses

The mini-courses of the SBBD are short-term events aimed at providing an introductory or advanced overview of current research and/or technology that are of interest to the Database communities. With this, the listener can learn on a new subject linked to its area of extract elements that can be applied in their scientific studies and/or profession. The mini-courses, in this online-only mode, should be 1.5 hours long and presented in Portuguese or English, with the target audience being undergraduate and graduate students, maybe also some computer science professionals.

Instructions and Submission

Initial proposals should be limited to 5 (five) pages in the template of SBC’s book chapter, including:

  • title of mini-course;
  • authors (maximum 3);
  • abstract (up to 200 words);
  • indication of the target audience (for proposals with a
  • interdisciplinary), with specification and justification of
  • prerequisites;
  • text summary with a description for each of the summary topics;
  • indication of why the course is exciting and should attract attention;
  • the target audience;
  • the brief curriculum of the authors;
  • Who will present the course;
  • the necessary computational and audiovisual resources.

The submission of short-course proposals must be carried out directly by email to … with subject “[SBBD2022] Submission of Short-Course Proposal “. 

The email must include the identification of the author (s) and a file as an attachment, in PDF format, with the mini-course proposal. We will evaluate the submitted proposals according to their originality, relevance, presentation, and affinity with the target audience.

The initial proposals accepted will participate in a new phase, which should be more detailed in a text with a minimum of 20 pages and a maximum of 30 pages. The document will be published in SBC’s book chapter format.

The organization reserves the right to refuse proposals and include invited ones, always respecting the main goals of SBBD 2022.
