The Brazilian Database Symposium (SBBD) has encouraged integration and collaboration between students, teachers, researchers and professionals in the field. The XXIII Database Theses and Dissertations Workshop (WTDBD) is an integral event of the SBBD. The workshop is dedicated to the discussion of work developed by master's and doctoral students, including work in progress.

WTDBD aims to provide a constructive environment for discussions. The workshop allows students to disseminate their research results and obtain the opinion of experienced Database researchers on their research proposals. The event provides an opportunity for students to interact with a panel of researchers, who can suggest and recommend actions aimed at improving research.

WTDBD participants can take the opportunity to participate in the annual SBBD event, which is the most relevant in the country in the Database area. WTDBD participants can also take the opportunity to participate in the country's most important annual research event in the Database area. In the latest editions of SBBD, the integration and cooperation of students, teachers, researchers and professionals in the field has been greatly encouraged, whenever possible, through assistance to students.

Important dates:

  • Abstracts registration: July 15, 2024
  • Abstract submissions: July 15, 2024 30 de Julho de 2024
  • Acceptance notification: 19 de agosto de 2024
  • Final version submission: 2 de setembro de 2024


Submission Instructions

  • Doctoral work – should preferably involve students who have passed a qualification exam, or similar.
  • Master's works – master's works that already have at least the research proposal, or similar, approved are prioritized for acceptance at the event.

Works completed or that will be completed by the event date will not be accepted at WTDBD 2024.

Articles must follow the SBC model and be submitted via the JEMS system in PDF format exclusively. Articles can be submitted in Portuguese or English. If the submission is made in English, a summary in Portuguese is requested. It is not required, but it is strongly recommended that doctoral work be submitted in English.

Works – both master’s and doctoral – must contain a maximum of 7 pages. The first page is exclusive for forwarding, containing the following information:

  • Title of submitted work and level: master’s or doctorate;
  • Summary in Portuguese (only for submissions in English);
  • Full name of the student and the name(s) of the supervisor(s) and co-supervisor(s) [if any];
  • Contact email of the student and the main advisor;
  • University and graduate program or department;
  • Month and year of student entry into the postgraduate program;
  • Month and year planned for the defense of the master's or doctorate;
  • Completed steps and reference dates (e.g. completion of qualification exam);
  • If applicable, list of student publications related to the submitted work.

The remaining 6 pages of the article must include the research content. The following items are expected:

  • Clear formulation of the research problem;
  • Description of the motivation and justification for the research;
  • Relevance of research in the Database area;
  • Main difference with literature works (brief comparative overview with related works);
  • Description of the proposed solution and its specific and expected contribution as a research advance;
  • Research methodology used to develop the investigation;
  • Preliminary assessment of results obtained, if available;
  • Bibliographic references.

The publication of accepted works is conditional on registration in SBBD 2024 and the student's oral presentation during the event. Submissions must be approved by the student's advisor, confirming via email sent to the WTDBD 2024 coordinator which stage the research is at and agreeing with the student's submission and participation in WTDBD 2024.

WTDBD Coordinator:

Maristela Holanda
Universidade de Brasília (UnB)


Comitê de Programa:

Angelo Brayner (UFC)
Damires Souza (IFPB)
Daniel de Oliveira (UFF)
Renata Galante (UFRGS)
Ronaldo Mello (UFSC)
Sergio Lifschitz (PUC-Rio)