

O SBBD, tradicionalmente, apoia a realização de workshops que são colocalizados com o evento. Estes workshop passam por uma avaliação por pares, a fim de analisar se o tema tem contribuição e interessa à comunidade que participa do SBBD. Neste ano, temos o prazer de trazer para nossos participantes a realização de cinco workshops:

BreSci – Brazilian e-Science Workshop


DS-CoPS – Data Science Against Corruption in the Public Sector


DSW – Dataset Showcase Workshop


DS4SG – Data Science for Social Good


ReSCAI – Recomendação Sensível ao Contexto em Ambientes Inteligentes



The Brazilian Database Symposium (SBBD) is the official database event of the Brazilian Computing Society (SBC) and the main national forum for the presentation and discussion of current research and scientific advances with great emphasis on modern database technologies. Its importance goes beyond the Brazilian research community, including several connections with major research centers around the world. SBBD topics of interest cover the entire spectrum of theoretical and application aspects of data management. The workshops are an intensive collaborative forum for exchanging innovative ideas and research directions.

Important Dates

  • Workshop proposal submission: March 25, 2024
  • Proposal acceptance notification: April 8, 2024
  • Submission of workshop description and website URL: April 15, 2024
  • Camera-ready due: August 12, 2024 (including all accepted works and a summary of the workshop, by the respective workshop coordinators)

Submission Instructions

We encourage potential workshop coordinators to submit proposals for highly interactive workshops focusing on in-depth analysis or comprehensive approaches to emerging topics in databases.

The workshop proposal should be approximately 3-5 pages long, in PDF format, containing the following information:

  • Workshop title;
  • Topics of interest for the workshop;
  • Relevance in relation to the themes of the main conference;
  • Format and duration (half day or 1 full day);
  • Proposed program committee (name, emails and affiliations);
  • Expected number of submissions and participants;
  • Expected number of accepted works.

Attached to the proposal, a short CV of each coordinator must be presented (limit of 2 pages each), including a photo, a brief biography of experience in organizing events, and any available information from previous editions of the proposed workshop, with emphasis on submission numbers and enrollment. We emphasize that at least one of the workshop coordinators must register for SBBD 2024 and participate in the conference at least during the workshop.

For the accepted workshops, the dates for submitting articles and notifying authors are defined by the coordinators but must be aligned with the Important Dates disclosed in this call.

Proposals must be sent directly by email to, with the subject “[SBBD2024-Workshops] Workshop Proposals”..

Selection Process

Workshop proposals will be analyzed based on the quality of the proposal, its relationship with the main SBBD topics, the potential to attract participants, space for debate and discussion, as well as the experience of the proponents. Coordinators of accepted workshops are encouraged to also propose speakers in order to stimulate participant interactions and discussions.

General Coordination of Workshops

Kelly Rosa Braghetto  (IME-USP/São Paulo, Brasil)