The 1st SQL Marathon is an undergraduate student competition for evaluating knowledge and abilities in solving problems by means of SQL (Structured Query Language), the most used database language. Its creation has been inspired by programming contests, such as the SBC Programming Marathon, which is a South American regional selective of the International Collegiate Programming Contest.

The main purpose of the contest is to spread intellectual enhancements on SQL programming through a high-level competition, involving correct resolution and performance gain of the proposed solution. Undergraduate students of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Systems, Software Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics, Digital Media and other courses of related areas may participate in the Marathon. The contest promotes students’ creativity, teamwork, search for a variety of SQL constructs, and the ability to solve problems under pressure.

Each competition team should be composed of three (3) members, undergraduate students of the same institution. Each team may use just one computer and has to solve up to 10 problems during 2 hours. Competition teams can also bring printed hard copy material (e.g. papers, books, manuals).

Only code in the SQL syntax for the PostgreSQL database will be accepted. URI Online Judge will be used as a judge to evaluate the competitor’s queries. Team competitors should collaborate to discover the easiest queries. Some queries require only SQL understanding, while others need knowledge of more sophisticated techniques. The team that can solve the most problems (in the shortest time, in case of a tie) is declared the winner. The top three teams will be awarded medals and certificates.


Participation in the marathon is an exclusivity of the students enrolled in SBBD 2019. To register a team, you must send the following information to the email [wellington at]:

  • Name of the team;
  • Full names of team members;
  • For each student that makes up the team, you should also send: (1) proof of University enrollment and (2) SBBD 2019 receipt (in PDF format).


  • Applications for the 1st SQL Marathon can be held until midnight on 09/27/2019.
  • The warmup will take place on 07/10/2019 from 14:00 to 16:00 at Centro Universitário 7 de Setembro.
  • The contest will take place on 07/10/2019 from 18:00 to 20:00 at Centro Universitário 7 de Setembro. 


The top three teams will be awarded medals and a certificate to be produced by the SBBD 2019 organization.

In case of doubt, interested parties should contact by email at [wellington at]. Adverse and unanticipated cases in this call will be resolved by the committee responsible for the SQL Marathon.


  • Angelo Brayner (UFC/Fortaleza)
  • Daniel Siqueira (UFC/Russas)
  • Fernando Rodrigues (UFC/Sobral)
  • José Aguiar (UNIFOR)
  • José Wellington (UFC/Crateús)
  • Regis Pires (UFC/Quixadá)