
SBBD 2024 invites submissions of tutorial proposals. Each tutorial will be presented in up to 3 hours. We will consider proposals for introductory and advanced tutorials on topics within the database or related field (e.g., Data Science, Data-Centric AI). Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following topics described at https://sbbd.org.br/2024/call-for-papers/. Introductory tutorials should target an audience consisting of advanced undergraduate and graduate students, as well as attendees from the industry. Hence, they can be thought of as “recycling” courses though they should not be about traditional “textbook” topics. Advanced tutorials, on the other hand, must cover a topic’s state-of-the-art, motivating, and exposing potential research issues.

Instructions for Authors

Tutorial proposals must be of no more than 5 pages, using Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, and must include the following items (in this order):

  • Tutorial title, authors’ full name, affiliations, e-mails, and URL of the respective home pages (if available).
  • If the proposed tutorial has been presented previously, please indicate the event the tutorial has been presented and how it will be updated and improved for SBBD 2024.
  • Tutorial type (introductory or advanced).
  • The target audience and its assumed background.
  • The language in which the tutorial will be presented (English or Portuguese).
  • An abstract (no more than 100 words) describing the tutorial’s main goal.
  • Outline of the tutorial (list of topics and a brief description of how the topics will be covered).
  • List of (up to 10) related references.
  • A brief bio of authors (up to 20 lines/author).
  • The name of whom will present the tutorial, in case of a tutorial proposed by more than one author. The authors can share the presentation, that is, more than an author can present the tutorial.
  • Audio-visual equipment required (e.g., multimedia projector and computer resources).

Submission Guidelines

Submitted tutorial proposals can be written in Portuguese or English. Submissions in English are strongly encouraged. Submitted proposals will be reviewed based on originality, relevance, technical soundness, and clarity of presentation.

Tutorial proposals must be emailed as PDF attachments to fporto@lncc.br. The subject of the email must be: “SBBD 2024 Tutorial Session”. Please, send email with the suggested subject to aid the chair to filter messages of interest. Formats other than PDF will not be accepted. SBBD 2024 reserves the right to refuse all the submitted tutorial proposals, as well as to include invited tutorial presentations.

Important Dates

Submission: July 1st
Notification: August 1st
Camera-ready: August 31th

Program Coordination

Dr. Fabio Porto, Coordination of Mathematics and Computation Methods (National Laboratory of Scientific Computing / DEXL Lab)


For further information please contact Fabio Porto at  fporto@lncc.br. Send message with the subject “SBBD 2024 Tutorial Session”. Please, send email with the suggested subject to aid the chair to filter messages of interest.